Articles & Whitepapers

An archive of whitepapers, articles, and other writings from DSF members

Online Articles

Hospitality Industry Success is Technology-Enabled

DSF Member, Lyle Bunn of BUNN Co., has produced an article that summarizes the June 2017 Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition and Conference, in Toronto this June. We have included an excerpt…

Smart technology narrows gap in consumer data for retailers

With smart technology, retailers can collect information on consumer behaviors and adjust their strategy accordingly to increase revenue. By Erica Codey-Rucker | Contributing writer, Retail Customer Experience “Consumer data is…

For High Impact Visuals, Think Hybrid

Millennial consumers driving interactivity technology

Digital signage is entering a new phase of interactivity, driven largely by digital-native millennials. It is familiar to them, mostly because of their prolific use of mobile technology. “Interactivity is…

Keywest Technology execs: Digital signage users now more educated, purposeful

Matt Weiss, an account executive at Keywest Technologies, recalls the first few years he and his colleagues attended the Digital Signage Expo when the show was relatively new (the first…