Articles & Whitepapers

An archive of whitepapers, articles, and other writings from DSF members

Online Articles
Figuring out how to apply "Big Data" is a top priority for many digital signage executives.

Digital signage ‘on the cusp’ of proving out value thanks to analytics

As the Digital Signage Federation (DSF) prepares for the 13th Digital Signage Expo, a handful of executives are expressing more excitement about the industry than ever. The impetus for their enthusiasm comes…

IHS Digital Signage Industry Tracker Q4-2016 Summary available to DSF Members

IHS and the Digital Signage Federation have partnered together to offer DSF Members exclusive access to IHS’s Digital Signage Industry Tracker Executive Summary report each quarter. For nearly 50 years,…

Digital Menu Boards: The solution for meeting upcoming FDA requirements

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Menu Labeling Requirement Act will go in effect on May 5th, 2017. This is bound to put some huge pressures on food establishments…

Peter J Solomon – Media Monthly

Look Up: In the Digital Age, Billboards Are Far From Dead PQ Media: US Digital Out of  Home (DOOH) Media Revenues 2015 US Consumer Media Usage Click here to read…

ComQi on Digital Signage screen location and size -Size Matters

Another in the series of white paper produced by ComQi, Size Matters addresses one of the most critically important aspects of digital signage deployment, how various screen locations and sizes…