Course Creation

The independent voice for the digital signage industry

Digital Signage Federation

How to Create a DSF Online Education Course

The DSF thanks you for contributing your time and knowledge in creating a course to help educate the digital signage industry.

The video tutorial below will give you a quick overview of the process, timeline and template resources available to make this as simple as possible and to be respectful of your time.

Courses are designed to kept to no longer than 30 minutes, we recommended around 20-30 slides and they need to be brand agnostic and not an infomercial.

Deliverable Timeline

  • Initial Outline with Quiz/Test Questions- Submit to reviewer (approx. 2 weeks)
  • PowerPoint Slide Deck - Submit to reviewer (approx. 2 weeks)- please submit as either a PPT slide deck or a series of clearly labeled JPG or PNG files.
  • Audio Files/Final Slide Deck- Share files with using your preferred online storage platform (approx. 2 weeks).  Audio files should be delivered in MP3 format. We suggest using ONLINE VOICE RECORDER.

Resource Links

Email your course reviewer if you have any questions. Thank you.

Uploading Materials

Share files with Brian Gorg ( )using your preferred online storage platform.