Dimensional Innovations has officially named Chad Hutson its Chief Strategy Officer

Joining DI’s executive team, Chad is charged with overseeing the development, communication and execution of the company’s strategic initiatives. He will be future-focused, driving company growth and monitoring trends that create the most impact in experience design. Hutson has over 20 years’ experience in the digital, branded environment and design industries and joined DI as Executive Director in January ’22.

Dimensional Innovations, an experience design, technology, and fabrication firm, partners with professional & collegiate sports organizations, Fortune 500 companies, entertainment giants, and world-renowned healthcare facilities to develop engaging experiences within a physical space. A team of brand strategists, animators, fabricators, interior designers, graphic designers, architects, interactive designers, and digital engineers collaborate together in 110,000-square-feet of design and fabrication space to create some of the most talked-about experiences across the country.