As we use digital signage to ‘get back to business’, what are the most important privacy considerations regarding the use of technology and CX for health, occupancy and safety monitoring? The panel on this video participated in a conversation to answer that question.
DSF board members Laura Davis-Taylor and Dave Haynes joined the first ACE ‘cross-pollinated association conversation’ last week to discuss privacy and post-pandemic realities. ACE, as in Advocates for Connected Experiences, aims to get associations from multiple CX disciplines talking about issues that affect us all. Digital signage has a critically important role in the ‘getting back to business’ ecosystem, and this session enlightened us all on the things to think about regarding privacy and using technology for health, occupancy and safety monitoring.
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Related Poll Question of the Week- Do you think the public’s perception of privacy with out of home technology will change coming out of COVID-19?
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